10.6.8 software update stuck wallpaper
10.6.8 software update stuck wallpaper

10.6.8 software update stuck wallpaper 10.6.8 software update stuck wallpaper

Unfortunately this wasn't working as I tried it, and running diskutil in the terminal revealed this was due to the lack of any recovery disk on the drive. The most common answer I've seen to this issue is to reboot into recovery mode, check the HDD for errors, repair the device and/or clone all the undamaged data on the disk to a secondary drive and boot from there. The installation is unable to complete(indeed, it seems to barely commence) due to issues "verifying or repairing" the file system, and attempts to reboot to the original OS on the HD are unsuccessful as "Startup Disk could not gather enough information on the selected disk". In attempting to upgrade from OS X 10.6.8 to El Capitan I've run into a bit of stalemate.

10.6.8 software update stuck wallpaper